Why do I do this?

 I'm not a fan of inconsistency. Yet, here I am, finally posting a blog after 4 months of silence. It wasn't an accident, it was time management. I have a strong desire to do absolutely everything which comes my way. I can't help it; everything interests me. So, I got an offer some time back to host my own show on The Motorcycle Channel. Of course, I said yes. That'll be coming out soon. I'm sure you've seen the signs, between random Facebook posts and a newly added link on my website to The Motorcycle Channel. Then came an offer to be the Assistant Director for my local HOG Chapter. Again, I said yes. When you see me sharing promos for events at Woodstock Harley Davidson, this is part of the reason. Finally came an opportunity to be a motorcycle RiderCoach with Harley Davidson Riding Academy. Once again, of course I've got plenty of time for that! So, I've wrapped up filming for the show and completed my RiderCoach training and now I have a brief moment to write a blog. Oh, but what to write about? Well, it looks like this has turned into a half hearted apology/attempt to excuse my lack of consistency. If you're with me this far, I hope you'll be hanging on for the rest of the ride. 

I suppose this is a decent opportunity to explain why I started this blog in the first place. So, here it goes. I've been a closet writer for a very, very long time. I've written countless short stories and kept them imprisoned to my own computer for decades. I finally decided it was time to start putting these stories out into the world. This lit a big fire inside of me and one of those stories kept growing until it became a full 86,000 word novel. As you may have noticed, I am quite obsessed with motorcycles and I find it impossible to write anything, even science fiction, without including motorcycles. This is why I have stories published in Easyriders Magazine and New York Rider Magazine and also why any motorcycle enthusiast will find him or herself at home reading any of my stories.

What I didn't want to do was try publishing a book when no one knew my name. I figured it would be a good idea to establish an online presence first. So, I reactivated my dormant Facebook account, started publishing some of my old short stories and then started this blog. Of course, this blog lent itself to a video version, which then led to a chance encounter with the producer from The Motorcycle Channel and here we are.

The long and short of it is this: I'm hosting a show called The Next Story which will be available to watch on The Motorcycle Channel this fall and I have a book completed for which I am currently agent shopping. If all of this still has your interest, then all I can say is . . .  stay tuned!


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